When I became a Gold Star Spouse, it was challenging for me to accept. I was in denial for 11 years. I couldn’t believe that I was alone and had to raise my 3-year-old daughter as a single parent. We experienced hard days after the death of my husband, Sergeant Mario Nelson. But through the process, we cultivated a bond. I’ve been a Gold Star spouse for over 15 years. I’m able to acknowledge it. I’m able to accept it and appreciate the work that my late husband accomplished in his life. This experience allowed me to evolve as a woman, as a mother, as a sister. It gave me the strength to start a business that helps others release hurt and pain.
I will always remember the purpose and mission of being a Gold Star Spouse — to serve as the stronghold for my family, to keep my loved one in my heart, to allow his legacy to continue.
To all the Gold Star Spouses, may you continue to move with grace, love, and resilience. May you stand strong when you feel like you’re unable to go any further. Our loved ones are watching over us.
Mecca Nelson
CEO of Mecca’s City of Wholeness
Founder of The YOMA Method